Sunday, September 4, 2016

More MORE Girls & Guns!

Ok, now I will add my own work and hopefully this blog site will let me have my way!

I approached Girls & Guns from a fashion perspective, as you might deduce from the photos.

New Fall Fashion Colors - Ceramic & fabric guns
Size Matters - Fabric gun, stuffed & stitched
Does This Gun make Me Look Fat?  Ceramic sculpture with removable hat & gun.

The Terrible Texting at Tea Tragedy -Ceramic Teapot
In the background, fellow Starbrick artist Doug Green made a Mad Hatter tea sculpture & his teapot was a small rendition of my teapot!  So cute!!

More Girls & Guns

Ok-here is the MORE I promised on the Girls & Guns show. 
First I will introduce Elizabeth Brown.  I first met Liz when she was in an Art Marketing class I taught at Hocking College.  She later switched her major to be Ceramics, so she took all of my classes.  Her background is painting, and she has been painting all of her life.
Here are the Artists' Statements for the show:

Shotgun Wedding
Avenging Angel
Little White Derringer
Soooo, I am trying to add my work here, but the blog site keeps re-arranging my photos.  No, stop it, I know where I want them!  So I guess I will do Part 2- so I can try again with the photos of my work.  Stayed tuned.

Granny Was a Good Shot

Granny was a Good Shot was part of a show I did with fellow artist, Elizabeth Brown, at Starbrick Gallery.  The show was called Girls & Guns.  I tackled the subject in 3D, mostly ceramic, and some fabric.  Liz provided the 2D.  The show was a big hit. 
I will add more photos from the show, just as soon as I figure out this blog thing!